Welcome to the American Mustang and Burro Assoc, Inc.

The American Mustang and Burro Association was incorporated in Texas in 1987 by a group of Mustang enthusiasts. They set up a registry for Mustangs, Burros, and Mustang or Burro crosses. The registry also allowed for Mustangs and burros bred in the wild but born domestic to be registered. Mustang and Burro crosses are also accepted.
The American Mustang and Burro Association (AMBA) is the only organization that provides awards for any wild equine registered through us that participates with the following groups:
Our aim is to provide awards for high points in English and Western dressage and last year we added Endurance to our list of awards. In order to be eligible, the rider must be a member of AMBA and the horse registered with AMBA.
Membership Secretary Debbie Edwards received a new registration request this week, 8/20/22, she was almost in tears. The letter from Sarah was requesting Debbie to register Sarah's tiny yearling filly, Angel. Tragically, Angel passed away in Sarah's lap a few days after being adopted. As a memorial for Angel the registration is now on the way to Sarah.
Christmas party 2021
AMBA, Inc. 235 BLACK STALLION RD Townsend, DE 19734 US
Tuesday - Friday: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am - 4pm
Sunday: 11am - 4pm
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